Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Oh, by the Way...

Our little pop-tart is 16 months old. She is taking steps independently now. She is climbing into chairs so she can sit in them after she yells at you to get out of it, she thinks all chairs are hers. There is the climbing up and down stairs, over and over again, she's all over! Her favorite food is cheese, after waking up it is the first thing she asks for, and when we have blueberries and strawberries she is asking for those. For a month now she has been eating with a fork and spoon like a grown up, seriously a grown person. I give her cereal with milk in the morning some days and she just eats it, I don't even have to put a bin on her, she just eats it with her spoon. When she eats with a fork her aim is true! Her hand-eye coordination is crazy! She still loves to play piano, carry purses, try on shoes, and huh on her babies. She has lots of words, duck, dog, cat, chicken, cow, shoe, sock, diaper, hat, eye, nose, mouth, tongue, ear, water, milk, blueberry, cracker, cookie, cheese, bottle, juice, eat, car, baby, chair...oh goodness, I could go on:). She is getting so big, not physically so much but mentally, she still is under 20 lbs at 17 lbs. Someday she'll get bigger, but right now it's easy to haul her around on my hip still!

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