Sunday, December 5, 2010

Christmas Gift Guide, Fiskars Yard and Garden

as a wanna-be urban farmer i have a lot of outdoor tools i use. my all time favorite tools i use outside just happen to be the same brand as my favorite sewing tool, my fiskars scissors. the fiskar yard and garden tools are awesome and would make great gifts for the gardener in your life. they also have great prices. my favorite tools are my fiskar garden loppers and pruners. i seriously could take down any tree with my loppers! i love them. i take down the big branches with my loppers and go after the small things with my pruners. my holly bushes, my crepe myrtles, anything standing in my way is not safe with me and my fiskars around. they need be careful, they could turn into a topiary. i love every thing i have from fiskars, they stay sharp, and are easy to use. just don't let your children prune with them, fingers would be missing.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you for the info. It sounds pretty user friendly. I guess I’ll pick one up for fun. Thank u.

Gardening Tools